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Beamline 08ID-1 is once again available to users. Upgrades include an on-axis visualization system and mini-beam apparatus... <a href="/research-highlights/#beamline-08id1-upgraded">(more)</a>

Dec. 14, 2010

The 08ID-1 endstation has been upgraded and includes an on-axis visualization system and mini-beam apparatus. For standard use, the 100 micron beam size has an approximate flux of 2E12 photons per second. In January, characterization will proceed with smaller 50 micron, and eventually 20 micron beam sizes. The beamline is now available to users. Automounter testing with the new endstation is progressing well but the automounter is not yet available for general users. For now, users who wish to use an automounter may contact staff about using the beamline 08B1-1 automounter. For further details, more images and instructions about collecting data with the new 08ID-1 endstation, please visit the following website.

Beamline Operations Guide