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Normal Operations
Brighter, faster, and better than ever before, our CMCF-ID upgrades are complete! With an Eiger 9M detector, high-flux, and ISARA automounter, CMCF sample throughput has never been higher.
Normal Operations
Recently upgraded for faster throughput. Ideal for MX, XAS on crystals, small molecule crystallography & powder diffraction.
New Linac: We are replacing our linear accelerator to ensure a more efficient, reliable light beam. All beam time from January to March has been cancelled due to delays in the project.
CMCF is an umbrella facility which operates two beamlines, CMCF-ID and CMCF-BM, at the Canadian Light Source. Together, both beamlines enable high-resolution structural studies of proteins, nucleic acids and other macromolecules, satisfying the requirements of the most challenging and diverse crystallographic experiments.