Exciting things are happening at the beamline!
Dec. 16, 2019
In preparation for the CMCF-ID upgrade, several major new components have been delivered to the CLS, with more on the way. Items delivered include the new in-vacuum undulator, Eiger 9M detector, and Arinax MD2-S diffractometer (pictured here). We anticipate shutting down the CMCF-ID beamline for upgrades during the spring 2020 facility shutdown period, during which time the new insertion device will be installed, and installation of the new beamline components will begin. Commissioning is expected to last about 6 months, with an expected return to service in January 2021. To alleviate the loss of beam time during this period, we will accommodate most experiments on the CMCF-BM beamline, which is also receiving a minor upgrade including higher flux and improved sample change times (already completed), as well as a Pilatus 3 S 6M detector (to be installed spring 2020). For details about the upgrade project, please visit the Upgrade Projects link.
Advancing key upgrade objectives including higher throughput on CMCF-BM…
March 5, 2019
The CLS will be in scheduled maintenance mode during the March – May period with normal operations expected during the summer months of June – September 2019. CMCF will be taking advantage of this opportunity to advance a number of beamline upgrades.
CMCF-BM will receive a double-multilayer monochromator (DMM) upgrade. The goal is to add a fixed-energy high-flux mode to the beamline, while maintaining the beamline’s current capabilities. SAD/MAD experiments requiring energy changes will still make use of the original optics, while the high-flux mode will allow native data collection at fixed energy with pink-beam (0.45% ΔE/E), having an approximate order of magnitude higher flux. The SAM automounter will also undergo a software upgrade with the goal of improving sample change times.
CMCF-ID will see the installation of a replacement goniometer with the goal of improving the sample position stability and sphere of confusion. The CMCF-ID DCM will undergo repairs to fix issues with the sagittal bender that resulted in lower flux during the last run.
We expect that CMCF-ID will be operating normally during the June – September period. The CMCF-BM upgrade is expected to be complete near the end of June, with normal operations resuming by July.Full Story
Featuring improved crystal centering, automation & collection options plus many new features for a more efficient data collection experience...
Dec. 18, 2017
CMCF Users will notice a change in the CMCF data acquisition software, MxDC. MxDC now has additional features, including automatic customizable directory creation, improved automatic crystal centering, vector data collection and improved in-app data analysis for Mx experiments as well as XAS, EXAFS and powder diffraction. For a description of the changes and new features, please visit the MxDC page!MxDC Highlights
New CMCF-ID IRELEC ISARA sample changer used for the first time...
Dec. 12, 2017
We are happy to announce that the first session of data collection using the newly-installed IRELEC ISARA sample changer on beamline CMCF-ID occurred on November 30, 2017. Dr. Trevor Moraes and colleagues from the University of Toronto were the first to put the new capabilities to the test during a remote data collection session. This upgrade follows on the heels of the installation of a new Pilatus detector and, together, these components allow much higher sample throughput on CMCF-ID. The new sample changer on CMCF-ID now accepts Uni-Pucks only. There is no change to the sample changer on the CMCF-BM beamline which hosts the SAM sample changer. Please visit the Samples & Automounters page in the User Guide for more details about the sample changers and compatible containers for each beamline.Samples & Automounters
Simple, secure & streamlined sample tracking and data management...
Dec. 12, 2017
MxLIVE (Mx Laboratory Information Virtual Environment) is the CMCF Laboratory Information Management System that helps your lab organize samples, shipments and experiment information. It serves to integrate your lab with data collection at CMCF beamlines and allows effective use of the sample automounters through the MxDC data collection software. MxLIVE is used in conjunction with MxDC so members of your team can easily check on the progress of experiments taking place at the beamlines and download datasets as they are collected. CMCF Users will notice recent updates to MxLIVE, including streamlined sample information entry that does not rely on spreadsheets, along with new data management options. After logging in, Users will be presented with a brief outline of the new features, which can also be found on the MxLIVE User Guide Page.MxLIVE User Guide Page
Pilatus3 6M detector commissioned on 08ID-1, with upgraded computing infrastructure, allows much faster data collection...
May 9, 2017
We are excited to announce that the new Pilatus3 S 6M detector has been installed and commissioned for use on beamline 08ID-1 beginning in May 2017. To complement the new detector, the computing and storage infrastructure has also been upgraded. One EMC Unity storage server with 40 TB of all flash user space, and three Dell PowerEdge R830 high performance computing nodes with 336 total threads have been installed, all on a new 10 Gbps fibre optic network. For additional information about using the Pilatus detector, please visit the data collection section of our User Guide.
New detector to be installed on beamline 08ID-1 this spring... click title for details!
Dec. 14, 2016
CMCF is pleased to announce that a key component of the beamlines upgrade project was delivered this month. The PILATUS3 S Series (6M) detector, which will allow low-noise shutter-less data collection arrived in December. The new detector will be installed on beamline 08ID-1 during the 2017 spring maintenance shutdown, and used for data collection beginning in May 2017. Here, the detector is shown in operation, with the monitor displaying x-rays detected from a test Fe-55 source.
First phase of upgrades announced for 08ID-1 beamline, including new detector and sample changer...
Oct. 12, 2016
The needs of the crystallography community continue to advance. To this end, several exciting upgrades are being implemented at the CMCF with the support of the Beamline Advisory Team. The ultimate goals are higher flux on both beamlines, micro-beam capabilities as well as much faster data collection and sample transfer times in order to meet tomorrow’s new challenges. We are pleased to announce that, as an initial phase, two major components have been approved for beamline 08ID-1. The first is a PILATUS3 S Series (6M) detector, which will allow low-noise shutter-less data collection. The new detector will be installed during the 2017 spring maintenance shutdown, and used for data collection beginning in May 2017. The second is an IRELEC ISARA sample changer, which is expected to be ready for operations on beamline 08ID-1 beginning in late fall 2017. The kickoff planning meeting for the new sample changer occurred today. It will enable samples to be changed in under 20 seconds, and expands the range of currently supported bases to include spine pins loaded in standard Uni-pucks. Installation of components will be performed, as much as possible, during maintenance periods to minimize the impact on User beamtime at the CMCF. Although there will be short periods of time where the beamline is needed for optimization and testing, the impact is expected to be minimal, with beamline 08B1-1 operating continuously during these periods.
Taking place March 20 - 27, in order to investigate an intermittent vacuum issue... click image to see full story
March 14, 2016
An intermittent vacuum leak in the double crystal monochromator chambre has been detected on beamline 08ID-1. To prevent any serious problems, the cause will be investigated during the period of March 20 - 27. During this time, beamline 08ID-1 will be in maintenance mode. Beamline 08B1-1 will still be available for experiments. We do not anticipate any negative effects on data collection outside of the planned maintenance period.
Beamlines returning to normal operations.
Aug. 25, 2015
Regularly-scheduled maintenance of the MAR CCD detectors on both CMCF beamlines has been completed. Beamlines are returning to normal operations. Beamline 08B1-1 will once again be using the MAR 300 HE detector and beamline 08ID-1, the MAR 300 detector.
Scheduled maintenance of the CMCF detectors this week, August 17 - 23.
Aug. 17, 2015
Regularly-scheduled maintenance of the MAR CCD detectors on both CMCF beamlines will be taking place this week (August 17 to 23). Beamline operations are expected to return to normal August 25, 2015.
08B1-1 continues operations using the Mar CCD225 X-ray detector while the Mar 300HE undergoes maintenance.
July 23, 2015
While the Mar 300HE CCD X-ray detector on beamline 08B1-1 undergoes maintenance, the Mar 225 CCD detector has been temporarily put in place. This will allow the beamline to operate during the detector maintenance. The regular detector is expected to be returned to service this fall.click to see all 08B1-1 hardware details
Researchers in Toronto first to put beamline's Remote Control abilities to the test.
May 24, 2013
The Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility (CMCF) is excited to announce that the first session of Remote data collection on beamline 08ID-1 occurred this week on May 23. Dr. Wolfram Tempel and colleagues from the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) in Toronto were the first to put the Remote Control capabilities of this highly-productive Canadian Light Source crystallography beamline to the test. This mode of operation allows researchers to collect data as though they were present at the beamline without leaving their home laboratories, thereby saving costs associated with travel and making data collection extremely efficient. The researchers shipped their samples in standard containers which were loaded into the robotic automounter by beamline staff. Using a freely-available software client installed on their laboratory computers, the research team was able to connect to the beamline through a secure encrypted channel in order to perform their experiments with minimal intervention by staff. This new capability follows on the heels of beamline 08B1-1, which has had Remote Control capabilities in place since 2011. Remote Control is now available on both CMCF beamlines to Users with active proposals, after completing appropriate training. Users wishing to use this capability should contact beamline staff to discuss their project.Click for full story...
The miniKappa goniometer head has been installed on beamline 08B1-1 and will be available to users.
April 7, 2011
The miniKappa goniometer head has been installed on beamline 08B1-1. Previously, rotation was only possible about the omega-axis during data collection. Additional orientations for crystals are now possible with the miniKappa axis. This is especially useful for samples having smaller unit cells or where precise orientation of the crystal axes is important. Users can control this axis through the MXDC data collection software's Beamline Setup tab. Note that beamline 08ID-1 remains in the traditional configuration with rotation about the omega-axis only.
Beamline 08ID-1 is once again available to users. Upgrades include an on-axis visualization system and mini-beam apparatus... (more)
Dec. 14, 2010
The 08ID-1 endstation has been upgraded and includes an on-axis visualization system and mini-beam apparatus. For standard use, the 100 micron beam size has an approximate flux of 2E12 photons per second. In January, characterization will proceed with smaller 50 micron, and eventually 20 micron beam sizes. The beamline is now available to users. Automounter testing with the new endstation is progressing well but the automounter is not yet available for general users. For now, users who wish to use an automounter may contact staff about using the beamline 08B1-1 automounter. For further details, more images and instructions about collecting data with the new 08ID-1 endstation, please visit the following website.Beamline Operations Guide
The hydration level of your crystals can have an impact on their diffraction quality. The HC1 humidity control device allows you to control this variable and is now available for use at the CMCF.
Nov. 4, 2010
The hydration level of your crystals can have an impact on their diffraction quality. The HC1 humidity control device is now available for use at beamline 08B1-1. The instrument allows you to control the relative humidity surrounding a mounted crystal through the delivery of a precisely callibrated air stream. If you are interested in using the HC1, please discuss your experiment with beamline staff. For more information on the device and its possible applications,please visit the User Guide.Humidity Control Guide
We are pleased to announce that the installation and testing of the automounter on beamline 08B1-1 has been completed and that it is now available for users... (more)
Nov. 4, 2010
We are pleased to announce that the installation and testing of the automounter on beamline 08B1-1 has been completed and that it is now available for users. Please contact beamline staff to make arrangements for using the automounter and for additional information.
The Stanford Automated Mounting System (SAM) accepts SSRL-style cassettes or Uni-Pucks. Sample pins should be Hampton-style CrystalCap Copper Magnetic pins or CrystalCap Magnetic pins, the 18 mm size being preferred. Note that spine pins cannot be used. Click here for more information on pins.
The Xenon Chamber is a pressure chamber designed to produce xenon derivatives of biological macromolecular crystals.Crystals mounted in loops are placed into the Xenon Chamber. Once sealed, the chamber is pressurized with xenon gas so that the crystal and macromolecules are equilibrated in a vapor saturated xenon atmosphere. Following depressurization of the chamber, the loop-mounted crystal is simply lifted and slid along the Xenon Chamber track and quickly lowered into a dewar for
June 1, 2008
Xenon is a noble gas, which binds to specific sites in a biological macromolecule and can therefore be used to form heavy atom derivatives for structure determination. The Xenon Chamber is a simple yet effective device designed to pressurize loop-mounted biological macromolecular crystals in the presence of xenon gas at room temperature. Crystals mounted in loops such as the CrystalCap system are placed into the Xenon Chamber. Once sealed, the chamber is pressurized with xenon gas so that the crystal and macromolecules are equilibrated in a vapor saturated xenon atmosphere. Following depressurization of the chamber, the loop-mounted crystal is simply lifted and slid along the Xenon Chamber track and quickly lowered into a dewar for freezing in liquid nitrogen or propane.
Users wishing to operate this equipment should contact the beamline staff for operating instructions and training.