Data collection at the CMCF is carried out on user workstations using the Macromolecular Crystallography Data Collector software (MxDC), and is fully integrated into the MxLIVE sample and data management system.
To use MxDC, log on to the workstation using your username and password, then start MxDC from the desktop by clicking the Mx Data Collector icon (or in terminal by typing mxdc
). At the end of your session, please dismount the last sample and close MxDC.
Building on past versions and experience, the latest release features an improved, more intuitive and efficient GUI layout, AI-based crystal centering using machine learning, and improved access to the chat feature. Among the new features, it allows selection of points on a crystal that can be saved for advanced data collection strategies including vector data acquisition.
A full description of MxDC features and detailed documentation can be found here.